Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Crazy Soccer Skills - Indi Cowie

Last Spring in front of 75,000 fans in Chelsa - Manchester United game, sixteen year-old Indi Cowie performed a freestyle soccer routine that blew everyone's mind and launched her into a kind of Internet stardom. According to the Ny Times:

Indi Armstrong Cowie learned to walk chasing a soccer ball. At 10 she played on a coed team and once scored all seven goals in a 7-6 win. By that time, Cowie could juggle the ball 2,000 times without stopping. - Ny Times,  A Soccer Phenom 3/25/2011
 This girl has got talent. She is considered by many to be the best high school soccer player and the best - just the BEST freestyle performer. Here is a short video of her amazing talent and skill.

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