In psychology it's called transferen
ce - This is where someone does something to you that makes you angry and hurt and then you go out in the backyard and kick the dog. Instead of sending out a nasty little letter stating that in effect Netflix was doubling the price, they should have stepped back and carefully constructe
d a plan that explained what the media companies were doing to them and why they needed to raise prices.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Well that stinks for Netflix, but they did it to themselves. I had Netflix for years, but a few months ago, I dropped them because I felt their streaming services couldn’t warrant a price increase. In a way, I was glad that they raised their prices. It was an even bigger incentive to try the Blockbuster Movie Pass that was made available when my employer DISH Network teamed up with Blockbuster. For $10 a month, I was definitely on board to try it out! Now that I’ve been with Blockbuster, I won’t ever go back to Netflix. I love the Blockbuster Movie Pass because in addition to being able to choose from thousands of DVD’s, Blu-rays (Netflix always charged for these), TV shows and video games to rent, I can also stream from a choice of thousands of movies on my DVR or my computer! What is even better is that with the Pass, I was given 20 additional channels on my TV that with my Sling Adapter, I can watch on my phone anytime I want! Of course, Blockbuster has many stores open all over the country, so if I get bored of a movie, I can always exchange it for another movie, many of which are new movies that are available earlier than Netflix!